ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver ASCAS newsletter: 100th edition newsletter # 100 September 2012 SITE MAP
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ASCAS newsletter: 100th edition


This month ASCAS celebrates its 100th issue. 100 months in which ASCAS newsletter has reached your mailbox with new information, articles and images dealing with the matter of common interest.
A happy occurrence with a great regret: the flow of new articles by members continues to be scarce and I fear that soon I'll be unable to maintain the regular publication of next editions.
Once, ASCAS published two articles each month. Now, I'm in great difficulty to publish one article each month.
The number of authors contributing to ASCAS is very small, the "warehouse" of material suitable for publication is emptying and soon I'll be obliged renounce to present at least one article and one "members' window" in each monthly edition of the newsletter.
ASCAS is not dead and isn't dying. Some interesting articles and a handful of excellent authors are still available and support ASCAS ensuring the survival in the coming months.
Anyway I wish to inform the MANY readers and the FEW authors that without the support of ALL members ASCAS will be soon forced to reduce the frequency of its contacts, publishing the Newsletter, randomly, when sufficient material will be gathered.
Thanks again for your past and future help.
Giorgio Busetto

A new article for ASCAS website

silverplate spoonwarmer: Albert J. Beardshaw, Sheffield about 1875
Christian M. Baur present:

Spoon warmers, an often incorrectly described object English version

Very difficult to trace, it is an invention of the late Victorian period from about c1870. In ancient auction results (The Values of Old English Silver and Sheffield Plate, London, 1906), this item is never appearing and so we can assume that it was either rare or everybody wanted to keep it.
At a time when the kitchens were generally set far from dining rooms, it was of great importance that food be kept warm while being brought to the rarely heated dining rooms. Apart from the large variety of dishes that had hot water compartments so the enchanting spoon warmers were invented....
click here
English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:

Johanna Bolland - England UK
Savannah Boucher - USA
Steve Herra - England UK
Josephine Hough - Australia
Roberta G. Parker - USA
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Members' Window # 100

the deposited sterling planished over a slightly domed stake to remove any porosity left by the welding
Jeffrey Herman presents:

Before and After on a Tiffany Sterling Plate English version

This plate came to me with chased lettering (not engraved) that the customer wanted removed and the overall look brought back to its original beauty.
I couldn't planish out the lettering because the metal would dramatically deform and loose thickness.
I couldn't fill it in with silver solder because of all the pin holes and color difference that would result. And electroforming wouldn't do.
This job required the use of my pulse arc welder and was going to very complex......
click here
English version

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Michael Wink writes:
...I found a teapot at an antique Fair. Again here I don't know the maker. Maybe you know??
It was made in Germany around 1970 and has nice hallmarks of Half-moon Crown and 925 + Silversmith (?)
It is very heavy. Weighing 1,3kg.
If you know would be great
Thank you
Michael Wink
I trust on the help of ASCAS members to identify the maker of your teapot.
Giorgio Busetto

David Lindo writes:
...I was wondering if you could help me identify the attached marking? The best I can figure out is that it's British.
David Lindo
The mark is American (US) not British. It refers to a silverplate item (not sterling silver) made by Birmingham Silver Co Inc. - Yalesville CT (see my website at )
Giorgio Busetto

Linda Hart-Wiley writes:
...After much research, I am unable to locate a piece like this with only WMF over G with a running ostrich. I have seen other hallmarks but they have additional markings along with this one. The third picture is what appears on the bottom of it. The hallmark on this one is so very small that I could not capture it with my camera. There is also a number 4 on the foot of one of the legs.
Any information you can provide would be much appreciated.
Thank you for your help.
Linda Hart-Wiley
your item is a butter cooler described on WMF 1906 catalog as "N° 7 Butter cooler, with revolving cover, silver plated on best nickel silver, - I - quality, 17/- each" (the price refers to UK market).
Giorgio Busetto

Cassi Tomlin writes:
...I was just curious if you could give me any information on my spoons. I have no idea about their origin.
Thanks for your help
Cassi Tomlin
Both spoons are silverplate (not sterling silver).
The first mark isn't well readable. Anyway I believe it's the mark of John Gilbert (see my website at ).
The second is the mark of Roberts & Briggs (see my website at )
Giorgio Busetto

Replies to questions

Lesley Bannatyne receives this answer about her item (see August 2012 Newsletter)
Giorgio Busetto writes:
Your item is indeed a spoon warmer. See the article written by Christian M. Baur in this newsletter
Giorgio Busetto


In this column we presents a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver, that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
an early 20th century billhead of Lazarus Posen Wwe, Berlin and Frankfurt
This month ASCAS presents an early 20th century billhead of the German silverware factory


the firm was founded in Frankfurt a/m in 1869 by Brendina Wetzlar, the widow of Lazarus Jacob Posen (silversmith and retailer). After Brendina, the firm was managed by her son Jacob L. Posen and, later, by her grandsons Jakob, Hermann and Moritz Posen. In 1903 the firm received a royal warrant and opened a shop in Berlin. The owners were of Jewish origin and in 1938 the company was forcefully closed and looted on Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass - Novemberpogrome).


In this column we present an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page leave your LIKE on facebook
silver dish ring


It is a dinner table or sideboard accessory in the form of a hollow cylindrical or spool-shaped ring. They were used to support food dishes on the dining table, helping a grand display and protecting the surface from hot food heat.
They were introduced at the end of the 17th century in France, England and Ireland. Some have the same width at top and bottom, but most have different diameter of the rim so that they could be reversed to support containers of different sizes.
From the 1740s dish rings are usually spool-shaped and their incurved sides offer the opportunity to silversmiths to create decorative patterns using various techniques as piercing, chasing and engraving...... more


In this column we present marks, information and history of silversmiths and silver manufacturers.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page
Hamilton & Inches premises at 88 Princes Street, Edinburgh in 1895


The business was founded on 10 November 1866 by Robert Kirk Inches and his uncle, James Hamilton.
The firm opened its premises at 90A Princes Street, Edinburgh under the name of Hamilton & Inches, succeeding to Mackay, Cunningham & Co, where James Hamilton operated as Principal Assistant for 20 years.
In 1883 James Hamilton retired from the partnership leaving Robert Kirk Inches and his successors the right to continue the business using his name and leaving Robert in sole charge.
In 1887 they incorporated the old firm of Robert Bryson & Sons, and expanded into new premises including their own craftsmen's workshop at 87/88 Princes Street. The premises occupied part of a late 18th-century building, with a 19th-century shop front built out at ground level....



In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
ASCAS members are invited to contribute to this column
(click to enlarge images)
In the "book on my shelf" of this month Karin Sixl-Daniell presents:
a book per month: Kostbare Bestecke für die Kunstkammern Europas - Edited by Georg Laue

Kostbare Bestecke für die Kunstkammern Europas
Precious Cutlery for European Kunstkammer

Edited by Georg Laue
with texts of Barbara Grotkamp-Schepers, Georg Laue and Virginie Spenlé
München 2010
a book per month: Kostbare Bestecke für die Kunstkammern Europas - Edited by Georg Laue a book per month: Kostbare Bestecke für die Kunstkammern Europas - Edited by Georg Laue


In this column we present images and descriptions of Crests and Mottoes of British, Irish and Scottish families as engraved on silver items.


The Needham family crest

A Leicestershire family.
The crest is described as "a phoenix in flames".
The Latin motto is Nunc aut nunquam (Now or never).
The crest was found on a set of silver plate forks bearing a generic mark often used on electroplated wares

silver plate mark on a set of forks with Needham family crest

Set of forks with Needham family crest
Closing our September 2012 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Christian M. Baur, Linda Hart-Wiley, Jeffrey Herman, David Lindo, Karin Sixl-Daniell, Cassi Tomlin and Michael Wink for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.
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