ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 11 MARCH 2005

New articles for ASCAS website

Arlecchino (Harlequin) Fred Sinfield presents 'Arlecchino (Harlequin)': from a modern silver souvenir an article with the story of the Italian mask Arlecchino and the regulation governing in Italy the manufacture of silver 'Riempito'.
click here

toothpick holder
Giorgio Busetto presents 'Silver figural toothpick holders', an article on a table garniture widely used in 19th century.
click here.
on the right: toothpick holder with nutmeg grater on the base.
Genoa (Italy) 'torretta hallmark' (beginning 19th century)
photo A. Porsia

List of members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:

Vivian Adams - England UK
Pam Baker - Scotland UK
Reynald Carra - Australia
Cyndy Chase - USA
Myriam Cobreros - Argentina
Jane Cook - USA
Paula Farmer - USA
Tracy Farmer - England UK
Andrew Gahagan - USA
Robert Kaufmann - USA
Lisa Liner - USA
R.E. Lobenstein - USA
Grace Marrai - England UK
Patricio Ganduglia - Argentina
Anne-Gaelle Morre - Belgium
Fred Motzkin - Finland
Olivier Moulins - France
Tresa Newton - USA
Mario Nuvolari - Italy
Roberta Pearson - USA
Allison Ramos - USA
Michele Rigo - Italy
Sara Schoedinger - USA
Ann Schrad - USA
Brian Skinner - Canada
Rick Spencer - USA
Anna Tabacchi - Italy
Gloria Tanner - USA
Sharon Thelin - Usa
Tim Thomas - USA
Gwen Watson - England UK

ASCAS has now 239 members.
The updated list of ASCAS members is now available (only for members)

Members' Window # 11

Tiffany serving dish and coverMaurizio Perota and Giorgio Busetto present 'A Tiffany serving dish and cover '.
This item has a small 'mystery' about the dedication date and the maker's date.
click here

Questions from ASCAS members

Nathalie Bourreau writes:
....these are the photos of an inkstand and its hallmarks. Maybe its origin is Spanish but I was unable to identify its hallmarks. I hope that someone may supply some useful information.....
Nathalie Bourreau

inkstand hallmarks inkstand hallmarks
silver inkstand

silver inkstand silver inkstand: detail silver inkstand: detail

silver inkstand: detail silver inkstand: detail silver inkstand: detail
(click on images to enlarge)
Do any members recognize the marks of this beautiful inkstand?

Gerry Gerhart writes:
I have run across the attached hallmark several times in the recent past and am unable to find out any information about it.
Perhaps you or one of the other members can help to identify it? A reply as soon as possible would be appreciated!
The mark on the left I cannot distinguish. The centre mark is definitely HH in a lozenge (maybe Cyrillic?) and, of course the "90" on the right side.
Thanks, in advance...
Gerry Gerhart

salt cellar or toothpick holder? salt cellar or toothpick holder?
(click on images to enlarge)
Do any members recognize the marks of this toothpick holder or salt cellar?

Pierre Debaillie writes:
....I include the photos of a repoussé oval dish with winged griffin around the Coat of Arms of a Spanish Prince
The dish is fully hallmarked, measures 9 1/2 in. (24 cm.) and weighs 5 1/2 oz. (155 gr.). I'd greatly appreciate if any member may supply informations about origin, age and proprietor of Coat of Arms.....

silver repoussé dish
silver repoussé dish coat of arms
silver repoussé dish hallmarks

The Coat of Arms bears the symbol of Spanish Order of 'Toisón de Oro'
Coat of Arms of King Alphonse XIII with Toisón de Oro
(click on images to enlarge)
Does any member wish to reply to Pierre’s questions?

Tracy Farmer writes:
....Does anyone know this maker's mark ? I have just bought this tea service but would love to know more about it. Thanks in advance...

tea service tea service hallmarks

does anyone know this makers mark?

Betty Wells writes:
...About 20 years ago my Dad leveled a sinking foundation in the French Quarter of New Orleans. As payment he received some interesting items. This is one he gave me.
The piece is 5 inches tall, I think silver, and the handle is left handed, made of wood 4 inches long.

handled coffee pot handled coffee pot handled coffee pot

handled coffee pot hallmarks handled coffee pot hallmarks

>(click on images to enlarge)
Do any members recognizes these hallmarks?

What is this piece ???

Gloria Tanner writes:
I do not know the purpose of this item. I have never had anything this old. Maybe someone in your association might be able to shed some light on this. My silver container measures 3-1/4" (8 cm.) to the top of the cross. It is 2" wide (5 cm.). I am attaching three pictures.
Thank you,

Gloria Tanner

what is this container? what is this container? what is this mark?

(click on images to enlarge)
I believe that this container is a 'Continental silver' reliquary .
Do any members recognize what was the use of this item and its mark?


Norma Young writes about 'mystery piece' in February Newsletter :
What is this piece? certainly with its flat type lid, it looks like a spirit burner for a tea kettle on a stand or a chafing dish (ie similar to a fondue pot in England or North American use). As an inkwell cover it wouldn't be much use as the contents could spill unless the lid screwed on tightly, or had a tight fitting flange on its cover.
Modern fondue type pots will have this same type of cover, wherein a quick flat object placed over the burning material will be quickly extinguished ?
Norma Young

You may post your replies and suggestions related to March Newsletter in the new ascasblog (use 'comments' link in 'ascasblog' page)

The CD-Rom on 'Viennese gold- and silversmiths from 1781 and 1921 and their marks' edited by Wiener Werkstätte Archiv is now available on the market.
The order form may be requested to
Dr.Elisabeth Schmuttermeier
Curator Metalwork Dep./
Wiener Werkstätte Archive
Stubenring 5
A - 1010 Vienna
Tel: (+43-1) 711 36-234
Fax: (+ 43-1) 711 36-388


testo in italiano Per i lettori italiani segnalo il sito Argenti inglesi - storia e stili degli argenti inglesi dal medio evo all'art deco realizzato dal socio ASCAS Giovanni Ciceri. Per ora il sito è solo in italiano, ma contiene una vera miniera di informazioni anche con riferimento al sistema di punzonatura dell'argento attraverso i secoli.testo in italiano

Closing our March newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.
My thanks to Nathalie Bourreau, Pierre Debaillie, Jayne Dye, Tracy Farmer, Gerry Gerhart, Maurizio Perota, Attilio Porsia, Gloria Tanner, Betty Wells and Norma Young for their precious contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
