of Small Collectors
of Antique Silver         newsletter # 12 APRIL 2005
Happy Birthday,

ASCAS: summary of our first year of activity

ASCAS has one year!
It was founded on April 8, 2004, thanks to a webpage hosted on Giorgio Busetto's website and the participation of a few friends with the common interest on antique silver.
Now, after 12 months, we have grown, and ASCAS now has:
- its own site, , well known by people browsing the web
- its logo
- its Yahoo group, with 93 members
- its blog, 'ascasblog'
- its Newsletter, published every month (12 Newsletters)
- 12 Members' window published, dealing with members' items
- 31 articles published, supplied by 13 members, written in English and, for someone, with French, Spanish or Italian version
- 265 members, from 26 countries throughout the world

And now, what does ASCAS expect for its future?
I hope that ASCAS will continue on its way and, possibly, improve and increase its activity in the promotion of knowledge and interest in antique silver.

ASCAS website has, maybe,
the widest selection of articles related to silver freely available on the web.
This result was obtained without any commercial link or support and owing to the passionate help of a fistful of members who supplied articles, information, photos, questions and, not last, revision of English texts written by non-English members.

To maintain our standards we, every month, need two new articles, photos and informations, questions and replies from members, 'mistery items'.
You too may be helpful by taking part in ASCAS activity, and, don't worry, ... I and most of our contributors are non-professional writers.
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary


New articles for ASCAS website

Early tea tongs seen from 1720 to 1760 book: Eighteen Century silver tea tongs Dr. David Shlosberg presents 'Eighteen Century silver tea tongs'.
ASCAS member David Shlosberg is the author of a book dealing with tea tongs, an extremely fashionable item during the middle years of the eighteenth century.
click here
coffee pot
Giovanni Ciceri present 'Ten steps to check and record the authenticity of an antique silverware' - 'Dieci passi per verificare e registrare l'autenticità di un argento antico', a practical example of verifying and cataloguing a George II English coffee pot
This article is available in double version English English text - Italiano versione italiana.


List of members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:

Franco Bellino - Italy
Pam Center - USA
Silvia Colcuc - Italy
Burton Drexler - USA
Sharon Drews - Australia
Greg Faia - USA
Muhammad Farooq - Pakistan
Ellen Fuerst - USA
Julianne Galkin - USA
Phil Goularte - USA
Willian Hardt - USA
Margaret Holden - USA
Bill Johnson - USA
Kathy Kelley - USA
Linda Kyle - USA
Sara Mould - England UK
Gioia Pica - Italy
Christine Pollard - England UK
Max M. Samfield - USA
Carol Saye - England
Larr Trapper - USA
Ben Trawford - England UK
Will Tur nbo - USA
Wilfried VanderVeen - Belgium
Randy VanHoose - USA
Brian Ward - Australia

ASCAS has now 265 members.
The updated list of ASCAS members is now available (only for members)


Members' Window # 12

Russian Salt - Moskow 1777 Giorgio Busetto and Giorgio Guida present 'Two Continental silver salts', a Russian and a German salt of 18th century.
This page is available in double version English English text - Italiano versione italiana.


Questions from ASCAS members

Ann Schrad writes:
I have acquired a gravy dish or boat. It is very old and has some unusual hallmarks on it that no one has been able to identify. Is anyone up for the challenge? It has stumped the auction houses of Christies and Skinners here in the USA. I would love to know the silversmith and the country of origin. Thanks, Ann

gravy dish or boat sgravy dish or boat
(click on images to enlarge)

Ann's piece is a German 'Hanau silver'. Do any members recognize the silversmith's mark?

Greg Faia writes:
My wife and I just bought the attached bowl and tray from a local antique store. We were told that this bowl and tray were English mid to late 1800s. I have attached the bowl picture and the hallmark picture to see if anyone may know what it is.
The shields on either side of hallmark are identical. There is a diagonal cross in the center of each shield and in between the shields is a fleur de lis. In each quadrant of the shield ( the north, south, east, and west positions) there is a symbol that could ba a letter A or a castle, but it is very small. It is repeated in each quadrant and in both shields (the shields appear identical). I cannot determine the letters or symbols althought they appear to be the same in each quadrant on the shield.
Thanks for your help.

bowl and tray bowl and tray
hallmarks hallmarks
(click on images to enlarge)

does anyone know this maker's mark ?

Michelle Staley writes:
I am a relatively new subscriber and LOVE the newsletter and website. I have learned so much. Now I have a question. I have owned this piece for quite some time. I believe that it is plated but I can't find any information on the mark. It is WTR with each letter inside of a square, there are also some numbers. The piece is a very art nouveau basket with a handle that is 13in tall.
Thank you so much for advancing the knowledge of us all.
Sincerely Michelle Staley

hallmark basket

can anyone help Michelle recognizing this mark?

What is this piece ???

Sara j. Schoedinger writes:
I would like to find out what a item is. It's hard to describe. It says sterling 535 It has makers marks, but I am uncertain of them as they are worn. It was given to "us" from my husbands grandmothers estate.
We were told it belonged to her mother (Katherine Schoedinger) and she cherished it. It's 4 inches long (10 cm.) 2' silver (5 cm.) and then has a wooden stick. Filligree ducks? tulips?
It's a mystery. Markings are on back where the handle enters the silver has 2 small holes on the sides where the stick enters.(Stick may not be original)
Looks like a lion or frog with tail ? Very worn and a C ? sterling 535 is visible has a 1 on the right hand side but not in the handle insert. Looks like the initial C and under the 535 has a sort of sunburst pattern, but not completly round.
Sara j. Schoedinger

what is this item? what is this item? what is this item?

what is this item? what is this item? what is this item?
(click on images to enlarge)

Do any members recognize what was the use of this item and its mark?

Replies to March Newsletter

tea service what is this item? mark 90

Hymie Dinerstein writes:
1. The Teaset is unfortunately a cheaper Brittania Metal teaset which was the cheaper mass produced copy of the Victorian Nickel based Electroplated teaset of the Vicyorian sets which were themselves copies of exactly the identical sets in Sterling silver. The marks on these sets showing a small rodent points to it being made by J & J Savory who made good quality sterling Silver and electroplate of almost equal quality. They also made Brittania metal, a Lead/Tin cheaper copy but used fictitious unrecognised marks on this cheaper production so that it could not identify them as the makers in much the same way as branded high quality goods are made for big supermarkets todaa without identifying the actual manufacturer.
2. The Box is Scandinavian and is really a snuff box.
3. This mark 90 used on this piece with these other type of marks is very misleading and is used on modern silver plated items made probably in Holland in the last forty years. I would have it tested before assuming that it is silver. It is usually on small pieces.

Hymie Dinerstein

Fred Sinfield writes: answer for Gerry Gerhart is the piece is apparently Dutch and is plated. Have seen similar marks on small collectables that seem to be of modern manufacture.

...for Gloria Tanner item, this is a spice or vinaigrette holder that, according to what I have been able to establish, was given as a sign of a young man's intentions toward the lady of his choice. These originate from Scandinavia and are known as either Hovedvansaeg or Luktevannshus and seem to date from the latter part of the 18th into 19th centuries. The US published magazine "Silver" has a well illustrated two part article on these in the Jan-Feb and Mar-Apl 1990 editions.....

Fred Sinfield


Closing our April newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advices will be of great help.
My thanks to Giovanni Ciceri, Hymie Dinerstein, Jayne Dye, Greg Faia, Giorgio Guida, Douglas Hawkes, Ann Schrad, David Shlosberg, Michelle Staley, Sara Schoedinger and Fred Sinfield, for their precious contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
email:         blog: ascasblog