ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 40 - AUGUST 2007
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A new article for ASCAS website

Britannia, standard mark for silver fineness of 95,84 % Giovanni Ciceri presents:

Britannia silver standard hallmarks in Great Britain English version

The Britannia silver standard (95,84% of fine silver) was introduced by a 1697 Parliament's Act signed by William III to replace sterling silver (92,5% of fine silver) as the mandatory standard for items of wrought plate. The decision was taken to limit the practice of clipping and melting sterling silver coinage (which standard was maintained to sterling) to make silverware.....

click here English version


New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Anne-Catherine Sophie Alexandra - Austria - USA - Singapore
Leo A. de Haas - The Netherlands
Leslie Rubin - USA
Jeff Smith - Wales UK
Jean-Luc Stas - France
Ben Staunton - Australia
Barbara Wellman - USA
Anne-Catherine is the younger member of ASCAS


Name: Anne-Catherine Sophie Alexandra

Country of Origin: Austria and USA (made in Singapore)

Maker: Mark Daniell and Karin Sixl-Daniell

Age: Three Months

Description: Anne-Catherine is the younger member of ASCAS. Her mother Karin is a precious contributor to ASCAS website.

Members' Window # 40

silver mustard pot: Paris 1834-1838

Robert Massart presents:

A solid silver mustard pot - Paris 1834/1838 English version

a solid silver mustard pot with original shaped crystal liner made in France in the "Restoration" period, reign of Louis Philippe (9 August 1830-24 February 1848) .....

click here English version

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Wayne Garth writes:
... I was wondering if you might be able to help me in my quest to identify an item I recently acquired. It is an R.M.S. Carpathia inkwell and pen rest and I wanted to verify if it is in fact a genuine item or is it a fake. It is stamped A L Davenport on underneath of base.
I have included a picture attachment of the item.
Wayne Garth

An A L D into three squares was the sterling silver mark registered in 1928 by A.L. Davenport of Birmingham. I don't know if this silversmith is the maker of your inkwell, but, obviously, your mark do not refers to a sterling silver item but to silverplate or other non precious metal.
Giorgio Busetto

Laura Capuano writes:
.. I have a silver object marked "900" for which I do not know the origin nor the use. I hope that someone may identify this strange object and, possibly, its origin
Laura Capuano

Leslie Salvage writes:
... I am sending you this email with a fruit knife with maker's mark AS. The hallmarks are for Sheffield 1910. The condition is not good. I found it on the pavement about 50 years ago. Would anyone know the maker's name?

I believe that the maker of your fruit knife is Arthur Worral Staniforth.
Giorgio Busetto

Fredric Sinfield submits these images of a fine Russian badge with Tsarist marks. I hope that someone of ASCAS members may supply some information about this Imperial decoration and its maker

Deda Surber writes:
... I acquired a beautiful bowl that is 10 1/2 inches diameter, 7 inches tall and weighs 3 pounds 4 ounces. The bottom of the bowl is stamped RAND, Made In England, Silverplate over Copper.
I have found mention of Rand & Crane silversmiths out of Boston in USA during the years of 1886 - 1920, and very little information about items made by RAND in England.
Any help or advice on where to go to determine the age and history of this piece would be greatly appreciated.
I have been hand cleaning the bowl (it is still a bit dirty), there does not appear to be any dents or any places where the silver is missing.
Thank you for your time and your assistance.
Deda Surber

Alessandro Colemann writes:
... I have a fish server set with French export mark (after 1879). I'm unable to identify the maker (a lozenge with E F and an unidentified object).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Alessandro Colemann

Lenore Epstein writes:
... . I have two open salt dishes and two condiment dishes with hinged lids that have the same hallmark and there are pepper shakers to match which are unmarked. The pictures I have enclosed are of the salt dish which measures approximately 3 3/8" x4". I do not think these are antiques. They were probably purchased about the mid 1930's and my mother was not into antiques.
The under side of the lip is stamped with an elaborate B.P under which is an oil lamp with the flame on the left as you look at it. I would describe the lamp as resembling Aladdin's or the Genie lamps you see in fairy tales. The line under the lamp reads Sheffield, the line under that, reproduction.
The last line the only thing readable is "er" at the end but I think the other piece which my granddaughter has reads copper on silver On the other side are the numbers 1, what may be a 7, then an 8 followed by a 1. Under that is N.S.Mounts which I think refers to the legs being silvered nickel.
I hope I have not wasted too much of your time and thank you.

Henriette Defraine-Deconinck writes:
I contact you asking your collaboration in a research of information about our forefather silversmiths. They were masters "orfèvres" of Liège ( Belgium) on 17th and 18th centuries.
Their names were:
1°) Pierre de Fraisne ( le vieux) 1580- ?
2°) Pierre de Fraine ( le jeune) 1612-1660
3°) Jean Francois defraine ou defresne 1693-1751
The second is the most known and most productive. On the other hand we do not know details signed by them except for Jean François who signs the "I.D." during the périod when he was a silversmith of the Cathédral of Liège ( 1721/1740).
Any information will be greatly appreciated. Contact: Madame Henriette Defraine-Deconinck : 45 avenue Houzeau
1180 Bruxelles Belgium 02/3744493
Madame Caporale -Deconinck : 47 rue Glattignies
7300 Boussu Belgium 065/786392 ou encore par mail :

Elements connus de la vie de Pierre de Fraine ou de fraisne ( le jeune )
Extrait de les délices du Païs de Liège ( Tome 5)p325
Il est né à Liège l’an 1612
Père : Pierre de Fraisne ( le vieux)
Etudes : les belles lettres
Il avait des capacités pour la culture et le dessin.
Son père lui apprit le métier de maître orfèvre et très vite il dut s’apercevoir qu’il était très doué et décida de l’envoyer en France puis en Italie pour parfaire son art:
France ?
Italie : 8 années(??) à Rome il travailla avec François Quesnoy
C’est avec lui qu’il apprit à réussir parfaitement dans les tritons, les satyres et les enfants. Il travailla aussi beaucoup l’antiquité.
Retour à Liège en 1641 il fit des pièces superbes.
Un bassin et son aiguillère retient l’attention de Monsieur TINTENIER un des seigneurs des états généraux et bientôt sa réputation n’était plus à faire.
Des pièces sont en France et en Hollande ?
Un vase dont l’anse était entortillée de la figure d’un homme qui contemplait la liqueur du vase…et semblait vouloir s’y noyer…
Un autre vase représentait un serpent qui attiré par l’odeur d’une liqueur enchanteresse, paraissait faire des efforts pour parvenir jusqu’à l’embouchure du vase et y plonger la tête.
Christine Reine de Suède l’attira à Stockholm et durant 7 années produit des magnifiques pièces d’art en orfèvrerie mais aussi des très beaux portraits en médaillons qui lui valurent de riches présents de la part des Seigneurs de la cour.
Devenu très riche, il pensait resté là mais lors de l’abdication de la Reine Christine elle retourna à Bruxelles et lui la suivit.
C’est là qu’elle lui fit encore le présent de 28 diamants d’un grand prix.
Il continua à produire des merveilles entre autre:
Une arche d’alliance pour Jean Tabolet, Chanoine de l’Eglise Cathédrale de Liège et archidiacre de la Hesbaie.
Il mourut en 1660 n’étant âgé que de 47 ans

Crystal Stevens writes:
... . I'm trying to find the maker of this cup and can't make out the cyrillic alphabet to give me the name. What does the B C stand for? I understand the 84 means weight. I believe the town mark is Moscow?
Any information would be great!

the mark BC over 1861 is the assayer's mark of Victor Savinkov (BC is cyrillic for VS), Moskow, 1855-1888.
84 is silver fineness 875/1000.
Information about Russian assayer's marks are available in the Russian marks section of my private website at
Maker's mark D.A.I. is unknown to Postnikova-Loseva book
Giorgio Busetto


Replies to questions

Ian Cook receives this replies to his question about his salt cellar: ( see July Newsletter)
Karin Sixl-Daniell writes:
... The salt seems to have been assayed in London in 1913-1914, although I don’t know the maker.
Giovanni Ciceri writes:
... . I'm not able to trace the silversmith of your salt, but surely it was hallmarked in London between 1896 and 1915, probably in 1913"
information about the dating of the piece  supplied by Karin and Giovanni were a precious path in identifying the maker:
Hendeles & Co, mark entered 15 September 1913.
Giorgio Busetto

John Shields receives this replies to his question about his silverware: ( see July Newsletter)
Karin Sixl-Daniell writes:
... The Berndorf company is still in existence in Austria today and bought the famous company of J.C.Klinkosch in 1918. In 1918, Berndorf was owned by Krupp (who often used Alpacca instead of silver).

Lloyd Prator writes:
... . Alpacca is, unfortunately not silver. Like the phrases "German silver" or "Nickel silver" it is an alloy of cheap metals, in this case copper, nickel, and zinc which was often silver plated. The advantage of this base metal alloy over copper is that it is a white metal, so when the silver plating wore off, a white, rather than a yellow metal was revealed, making the wear less apparent.
Lloyd Prator


Bob Kelly receives this replies to his question about his spoon: ( see July Newsletter)
Lloyd Prator writes:
... The last mark, EP, means electroplated, thus, what Mr. Kelly has is, unfortunately not silver, but plated wares. If it is an extremely heavy spoon, it might have been hotel or restaurant flatware.
Lloyd Prator
Hymie Dinerstein writes:
... D + A is DIXON and ANDREWS on silver plate - English
H. Dinerstein

Fred Sinfield receives this replies to his question about his Italian paper knife: ( see July Newsletter)
Ellen Fuerst writes:
... I did a web search and found the maker of the silver piece marked 1388 FI: Argenterie La Torre di Buzzichello. Here's the link I found:
As I do not know Italian, I can't figure out why this silversmith appears in this particular article though.
Ellen Fuerst
another trail to follow.... and thanks to Ellen suggestion other information is now available about the maker:
1388 FI mark was cancelled in January 15 2002 as the firm denounced that 2 of its die were out of shape (deformati) and 1 stolen (rubato).
The firm is now registered 1672 FI (from March 6, 2003) as Fabbrica La Torre Argenteria s.r.l. - Via Fiorentina 19/C - Figline Valdarno (Firenze).
Giorgio Busetto
Pietro Fantazzini writes:
The firm 'Fabbrica La Torre Argenteria' succeeded to Fratelli Magrino (FI 871). Magrino brothers were the owner of the brand "Maria Cristina Sterling", that was took over in 1998 by Fabbrica La Torre together with Magrino brand (other marks were FI1508 and FI1388).
Magrino Fratelli firm was well appreciated in the 1980s for its galvanic production (silver 1000/1000) and owned a wide catalog of sculptures (the most famous were the "horns of plenty").
In this case the handle is made in "galvanic" while the blade is sterling silver (925/1000).
Pietro Fantazzini

Martine D'Haeseleer inform to have obtained the reply to the question about her Portuguese item: ( see July Newsletter)
... this silversmith from Porto in Portugal, worked in the 19th c, he is listed in the book of Mointinho under n. P346 and P 347 but his name is unidentified.
He worked between 1828 and 1861. The 'letter P' mark, for the city of PORTO in Portugal is for +/- 1850



In this column we present a page (one page only) obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs or whatever other printed paper, which may be of particular interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
a page from a 1889 catalog This month ASCAS presents a page of " Souvenirs in sterling silver" from the Watson & Newell Co. - Attleboro, Mass. 1904 catalog



In this column we presents an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page
silver-gilt racing bell


It is a type of bell in the form of a hollow perforated sphere containing a loose ball emitting a ringing sound when shaken. Racing-bells were awarded as prizes for horse races in Scotland and Northern England in the 16th and 17th centuries.
This is the earlier form of horse-racing trophy, later replaced by awards in the form of a bowl or a two-handled cup.......


Closing our AUGUST 2007 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Laura Capuano (Italy), Giovanni Ciceri, Alessandro Colemann (Italy), Henriette Defraine-Deconinck (Belgium), Martine D'Haeseleer (Spain), Hymie Dinerstein (England UK), Jayne Dye (USA), Lenore Epstein (USA), Ellen Fuerst (USA), Wayne Garth (Australia), Robert Massart (Belgium), Lloyd Prator (USA), Leslie Salvage (England UK), Fredric Sinfield (Australia), Karin Sixl-Daniell (Austria), Deda Surber (USA), for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.