ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver newsletter # 104 January 2013 SITE MAP
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2013 ASCAS membership

Members still interested in ASCAS and its activity are invited to send an e-mail to:

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No action is requested to unsubscribe. Members not confirming their membership will be automatically deleted and shipping of our monthly Newsletter will be suspended on February 2013.
Please IGNORE this announcement if you have already confirmed your interest, by email, within the last month.
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary

A new article for ASCAS website

four French Art Deco Rattles
Katherine Palthey presents:

French antique silver rattles English version

Baby rattles "hochet" are among the oldest toys known in France, and probably even in the world. Evidence of baby toys in the form of rings, balls and sticks have been known as far back as the roman times. In the northern part of Normandy, archaeologists were digging up an antique cemetery in Evreux and discovered what they described as a Gallo-Roman object very similar to today's baby rattle!......
click here
English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:

David Nunnerley Boddy - South Africa
Anne Marie Kuhne - USA
William Murphy - USA
Robert Ringold - USA
Clive Taylor - England UK

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Members' Window # 104

Silver tea set,  hallmarked London 1879
Giovanni Ciceri presents:

A 'Japanese' style bachelor tea set English version

This "bachelor" tea set (for its small size has been intended for a single), hallmarked for London 1879, has been made by William & John Barnard, belonging to one of the most famous families of silversmiths of the Victorian period.

The style of this tea set, consisting of a teapot, a milk jug and a sugar bowl, is known as "Japanese", especially for the particular decoration of clear Eastern influence. Here, also the shape of the individual pieces (especially the teapot) is inspired to terracotta models in use in China in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, though not originally designed for tea but to contain other type of beverages, like wine.....
click here
English version

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Robert Massart writes:
... Maybe that one of the members knows the name of this French silversmith J .…antin (ref. attached pictures).
The mark dates from the period 1819-1838 and belongs most probably to the region of Nantes.
I would be grateful to obtain any possible info related to this departmental silversmith.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Robert Massart

John Lawrence writes:
... I am trying to find some information on an Australian silversmith, Edwin Harrop.
He seemed to have been active in the 1930's.
I have a silver cigarette case, marked INVICTA E.H. STG. SILVER.
A friend has what we believe to be a cigarette box with a wooden liner marked EH STERLING SILVER and JULY 1933.
There is a napkin ring in the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, referenced "2002/81/12 Napkin ring, sterling silver, Magnus Goldring incorporating Edwin Harrop for Hardy Bros, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 1920 – 1930"
Even with this we have been unable to find any information concerning Edwin Harrop.
I tried a search on your database with no joy.
If you or any members of ASCAS can help, that would be great.
Have a great day,
John Lawrence
Magnus Goldring was listed in 1895 as representative of Edwin Harrop. Edwin Harrop senior died in 1894. In 1915 his son Edwin George Harrop disposed their entire Sydney operations to Magnus Goldring. After his death (1918) his sons Harold and Leslie Goldring undertook the management of the family business that became a proprietary company in 1957. After the death of Leslie, the business was conducted by Harold Goldring and his two sons Magnus George and Kenneth. The present managing director of the company is Stephen Goldring (son of Magnus George and great grandson of the founder).
Jolyon Warwick James

Bill Poynton writes:
... This piece has recently come into my possession. I think it's a love token which, in some ways, this does appear to be. It is very similar in shape to the early Hovesvansaeg from Scandinavia, quite small.....measuring 5cm x 3cm across the heart shaped body. It is marked underneath the foot only with the maker's mark I.C (mullet below), struck three times and the maker's mark is typically English.
There is such a mark in Jackson's registered c. 1640 in London, but I'd hesitate to categorically confirm this as a London piece.
I wondered if any members could be helpful?
Many thanks
Bill Poynton

Roland Minlabbe writes:
... I was wondering if you could help me with the meaning of the marks of this teapot.
Thanks for the help
Roland Minlabbe
Your teapot is silverplate made by Roberts & Belk – Sheffield (see my website at The AI mark is a quality symbol (see my website at ). In the mark is present a crown. This signifies that your teapot was made before 1895 (when the use of the crown in silverplate objects was forbidden).
Giorgio Busetto

William Coultas writes:
... I need your help in identifying an interesting item of silver.
The main body is of a horn (not sure what type it is), the metal has been tested as silver. I have been told it would be used to put flowers in and that it is possibly Arabian as there is an inscription that I can not read.
If anyone can help to date the item or tell me what the inscription says or just tell me more about it I would be very grateful.
William Coultas

Replies to questions

Renata Camozzi receives these answers about her mysterious flatware piece
(see December 2012 Newsletter)
Oskar M. Zurell writes:
... The shown fork is an Olive spoon serve getting also the ever last olive out of a conserve – or other kind of mixed pickles, like silver onions … It seems to me it's the International Silver Co. (Plated) Ashland pattern, introduced in 1914.
Oskar M. Zurell
Malcolm Stander writes:
... It's a spoon for removing olives from container -can spear it or scoop it
Malcolm Stander
Roberta Parker writes:
... The spoon with the cut out bowl Ms. Camozzi enquired about is an olive spoon. The cut out bowl allowed for the brine to drain from the olives. They were made with long handles for ease in getting the olives from a tall container, or shorter handles better suited for use with a bowl or shorter container. The pattern would suggest a date of the 1920's or 30's.
Roberta Parker
Katy Galewski writes:
... Renata Camozzi's photo in December's newsletter is of a silverplated olive fork. It is in the 1914 Roger & Bro. pattern Ashland.
However, when looking for information on the fork, I discovered that some olive forks are referred to as "ideal ".
Can someone explain why some olive forks are called "ideal " and others are not?
Katy Galewski

George L. Lee, III receives this answer about his flatware set
(see December 2012 Newsletter)
Oskar M. Zurell writes:
... as already supposed by Giorgio Busetto, it's made by Peter Bruckmann & Söhne AG in Heilbronn, Germany.
The Coffee spoon and the Dessert spoon is made in the pattern '295'(in Germany usually named 'Muster' or 'Modell' ), introduced in the market in 1902. If you look to the added images from sales catalogues (which are from around 1905 and 1909), then you would see the number '2951'. That was usual too; but in reality was the last digit '1'= table spoon, '2' = table fork, '3' = table knife, ..., '11' = Dessert spoon, ..., '21' = large Coffee spoon, ... The Fish fork and the Fish knife are made in the haft version –for reason of different possibilities, e.g. front part engraved, or flat, made in Silver, or German Silver ... these all have got different digits.
The pattern was made in the so called 'weight group' of 850 grams; the signification is that 12 table spoons or 12 table forks are made from 850 grams of silver alloy = around 71 grams per piece = around 57 grams fine, if the fineness of the alloy was .800 (as German minimum standard).
It was also possible to be made in each other fineness above .800, like .830, or 900, or 950 ...
There was, a short while after the introduction, a slightly different pattern without Monogram frame (called 'Kranz'). That's the pattern number '2951 ½' (in the image is mentioned only the possibility of 'without frame'). The indication of '1/2' stands in general for differentiations; that could be a little bit simplified pattern, or made in a lower 'weight group' = thinner = less expensive in sales price ...
Oskar M. Zurell

Debbie Rindge receives this answer about her tray
(see December 2012 Newsletter)
Oskar M. Zurell writes:
...the tray is from the end of XIX century; the maker "FMJ" isn't identified until yet. The used Pseudo-Assay-mark, simulating 'Lisbon'-Assay, isn't crowned but topped by a five-point star.
I suppose that the maker was a bigger silver hollow wares factory (by three different punches in about one decennia), possibly settled in Rio de Janeiro. The family name would start with 'J', like e.g. Júnior, Jesualdo ...
Because I suppose that "FMJ" was an industrial - the "Câmara de Comércio" from Rio de Janeiro could be one source for identifications. Write a letter to them, with the images included.
For reason that much of the older Brazilian Documents aren't digitalized and so also not available in the internet, I must place in this case the need of more research on lower priority; sorry.
But now you've a 'map' and you could make your own steps. If you’ve results, please inform the »ASCAS«. Good luck!
Source of the marks: 'Marcas de Contrastes e Ourives Portugueses' ISBN 972-27-0773-6. Vol. I (XV century – 1887). 4th edition (Reprint of 3rd ed. 1997), Lisbon.
Oskar M. Zurell

Debbie Rindge receives this answer about her silver plates with a receptacle holder
(see December 2012 Newsletter)
Luis Castelo Lopes writes:
...The plates with receptacle should be Spanish or Spanish colonial and there are similar objects in both Spanish ceramic and Chinese porcelain for the Spanish market, both made in the late 18th and 19th century. They were used to contain a ceramic "glass" for (very) hot chocolate, the Spanish name is "Mancerina" but they are also known by a French name "trembleuse" (or the "shaker"!). These objects appear in Spanish paintings, and reproductions can still be bought in Spain. Below you see two images of Mancerinas
Luis Castelo Lopes

David Dishart receives this answer about his vase
(see December 2012 Newsletter)
Oskar M. Zurell writes:
...Maybe Mr. Dishart will be disappointed. The vase is Plated! Not 'PLATA' - also that's stated on the object's surface.
The marks, I think so, are struck in South America – maybe to deceive? Normally there had to be struck 'PLATEADO' or 'CASQUIÑA' or something similar!
The vase is made by Wilhelm Binder in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany – a factory of a higher level of cutlery and hollow wares. Additionally they had later also a line of plated cutlery and hollow wares.
From when on precisely they've start to use the 'FLOREAT' Trade mark, actually I don't know – that needs some more research as the internet actually could offer.
I suppose that the vase is maybe made between the two World Wars, or after the Second one.
As already said, 'Floreat' is the registered Trade word-mark for Plated products of Wilhelm Binder. That's the second and the fourth mark from left. In the fourth mark the word 'FLOREAT' would maybe in yours case nearly invisible? But the script 'f' is so typical as it could be.
I add two images of a marks guide. Additionally there in the »f« mark is horizontal positioned a foil – a symbol for sturdiness’. Plated wares from Wilhelm Binder are exceptional good – that’s my experience since decennia. Foil fighting – not softness of a flower!
Oskar M. Zurell


In this column we presents a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver, that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
an 1894 advertisement of Middletown Plate Co
This month ASCAS presents an 1894 advertisement of The Middletown Plate Co, Middletown, Conn. before its take over by International Silver Co (1899)


Good for sale by all the leading Jobbers and Retailers everywhere.
None but the Best Quality of Plated Ware is cheap at any price
All Wares bearing our trade mark is of the BEST QUALITY

At the time of the advertisement the firm was active also in Chicago, IL (113-115 State Street), New York (22 John St.) and San Francisco (120 Sutter St.)

The business was started in 1864 by Edward Payne and Henry Bullard and in 1866 Middletown Plate Co was incorporated.
The company, besides the production marketed with its own name, sold holloware to Rogers & Bro, New York, who finished and marketed it with their trade mark.
Middletown Plate Co was one of the early silverware companies included in the International Silver Co.


In this column we present an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page leave your LIKE on facebook
wine trolley


This is a stand holding two coasters mounted on four leather-bound wheels with a swivelling handle. They were used in more formal occasions to pass the wine from guest to guest down a long table.

According to Bradbury the trolley was invented in the early 1820s by Sir Edward Thomason, acting upon information received from Lord Rolle who had dined with King George IV.
The King, apparently, "regretted that his noble guests who sat on either side of him were constrained to rise from their seats to pass the wine" and said to Lord Rolle "As you have said that you are going to Birmingham tomorrow, you had better call upon Thomason who may invent some plan to obviate this inconvenience"...... more



In this column we present marks, information and history of silversmiths and silver manufacturers.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page


The international Silver Company was formed in 1898 by various independent New England silversmiths that joined themselves together to form a company that became the world's largest manufacturer of silverware. The International Silver Co. was organized with an authorized capital of $20,000,000 and included the following companies each of which had won a place for itself in the silver world:
ROGERS & HAMILTON CO. (Waterbury),
SIMPSON HALL MILLER & CO. (Wallingford),
WATROUS MFG CO. (Wallingford),


In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
ASCAS members are invited to contribute to this column
(click to enlarge images)
In the "book on my shelf" of this month Jolyon Warwick James presents:
a book per month: Early Australian Silver


By J.M.Houstone
Halstead Press
John Houstone has collected early Australian silver for 40 years. His collection, for the period up to 1850, is unrivalled and from 1850 to 1900, is remarkable. However what is more important is that he has left us an important legacy of his invaluable researches over this period. This is contained in the important reference work which details his collection and numerous hitherto unpublished biographies and marks of many newly discovered Australian silversmiths. As a resource on the topic it is a serious advancement on existing knowledge and literature.
Whilst the book re-examines the history of silver smithing in Australia, its greater contribution to the subject is the meticulously and systematic updating of our knowledge of the silversmiths themselves. Whilst many may have heard of Alexander Dick, William Edwards or Henry Steiner, the book uncovers numerous previously unheralded or unidentified makers. Who has heard of the likes of Thomas Butler, Charles Hendrick, Alexander McLeod and William Park (to name a few)? In some cases marks identified and attributed to Australian makers were previously attributed erroneously to other makers and other countries – or indeed simply in the international "too hard" basket. The marks illustrated (230 in all) and biographies of these and many others silversmiths make the book an indispensable addition and advancement beyond existing references. A new dimension is the inclusion of a list of numerous initials and crests appearing on items by Dick and others, linking many items to specific families in Australia.
As to be expected in an academic work there are issues raised which are open to debate. The author does not shy away from his position on, for example, his concerns over the degree of involvement of Joseph Forrester in the known corpus of silverwork, and his views on the authenticity of the Collins Castor. There are even some tentative attributions of items that one may think are possibly more doubtful than tentative, such as the Henshall Cream Jug and the Garfield dishes. But none of this diminishes the very considerable body of knowledge provided by this work and its sharp focus on Australian silver.
The book is hard cover measuring 28 cm x 22 cm x 3 cm. It is indexed, has 320 pages, 300 colour illustrations, and images of 230 hallmarks.
Early Australian Silver – the Houstone collection, by J.M.Houstone. Is published by Halstead Press, RRP $ 79.95 (postage extra)
Jolyon Warwick James is a silver historian, consultant and valuer based in Sydney.
P.O.Box 142 , Woollahra, Sydney , 2025,. Australia
Tel + 61 2 9326 1319, Fax + 61 2 9327 2770
Mob 0412 042155 E-mail

Custom Search

Closing our JANUARY 2013 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Giovanni Ciceri, William Coultas, Katy Galewski, Jolyon Warwick James, John Lawrence, Luis Castelo Lopes, Robert Massart, Roland Minlabbe, Katherine Palthey, Roberta Parker, Bill Poynton, Malcolm Stander and Oskar M. Zurell for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.
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