ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver        newsletter # 73 JUNE 2010     SITE MAP
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Two new articles for ASCAS website

table set designed by G. Tcheryatov: detail of the handles
Lazar Freidgeim presents:

How to become a Millionaire - Reasonings of the treasure hunter English version

.....It's as easy as apple pie. Nothing can be easier? To hit the jackpot or win a big hand in blackjack. To know every single answer in a TV quiz show. To marry into wealth. To be born smart and business minded in a proper time and place like Rockefeller or Bill Gates. To invent or develop the next big thing. To pick the right stock just before the news? The list goes on and on. There are many fair ways to get rich. Not to mention the unfair ones: to heist the bank, to blackmail a TV anchor, or simply force somebody rich enough to shell out your nice share......

click here English version
Image of the intermediate standard Christofle mark, used between 1930 and 1935
Prof. David N. Nikogosyan presents:

Unknown mark for silver-plated hollow ware used by Christofle in 1930-1935 English version

.....The famous French silversmith company Christofle is one of the world pioneers in the mass production of cheap high-quality silver-plated items, which started 170 years ago and continues until now. This paper contains a brief overview of Christofle marks for silver-plating as well as presents a newly discovered one......

click here English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Johnathan Beagley - Wales UK
C. Bruno Bruni - Italy
Amanda Cresswell - USA
Paulina Dambski - Canada
George Degabriele - Malta
Kathleen Desjacques - France
Tomas Golis - Slovakia
Robert Kingdon - Canada
Barry Laidler - New Zealand
Jean Lalanne - France
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Members' Window # 73

sterling silver plate marked Tiffany & Co
Katy Galewski presents:

Silver on My Mind English version

When thinking about my silver, it's not always the piece itself I treasure, but remembering how I became its lucky guardian. So instead of writing about my silver collection, I decided to share my collection of silver memories.

For instance, I will never forget the excitement I felt when a close friend gave me a piece of silver plate that belonged to Sonja Henie. It is just a worn little plate with a monogrammed "H". Sonja must have had dozens of them. But it is about as close to a celebrity as I'm going to get.....
click here English version 

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Helen writes:
... I work in a small museum in Milton, New Zealand and I have been given this piece to identify what it might be. I thought when looking at your site you might be able to assist.
The piece I believe is made in Birmingham 1908 with a makers mark A ? ? I can not read the rest. It is 4 1/2 inches in length and the base piece is 2 inches in diameter, the dark center piece is purple velvet covering a hard material underneath, it has 3 small hooks near the amber at top.
Thanks for your time
I suppose that your questions are: who was the maker and what is this item?
I'm sorry but I'm unable to reply to your first question without a complete information about the initials of the maker. About the second question (what is this item?), I am publishing your question in June Newsletter of ASCAS. I hope that ASCAS members will be able to supply information about your item.
Giorgio Busetto

Alessandro Colemann writes:
...I bought 12 silver cups with the Italian mark 3 PA. I'd wish to know the name of the maker. Thanks for your assistance.
Alessandro Colemann
The mark 3 PA belonged to Formosa Pietro, Via d'Olivello 71, Palermo (the firm ceased its activity).
Giorgio Busetto

Geldolph Everts writes:
...I was wondering if someone could advise me on the following.
I have two silver holders/stands (see photos) that I imagine originally held glass containers, possibly a low model for marmalade or a higher model for small flowers. I guess a rim low on the glass clicked into the silver holder to fix the holder to the glass.
The holders are by Adie Bros Ltd, Birmingham, 1928, 8 cm across at the bottom, 10 at the top.
I imagine that the long number (Ro 655681) would have been the product number.
I was hoping someone in our "fraterie" might have a period (catalogue) illustration showing the size of the glass that came with the holder. I have no illusions about finding glasses for these items but one never knows...
Once again, many thanks for the pleasure your site provides.
Geldolph Everts

Maria Entrup-Henemann writes:
...Last summer I got a very fine Russian Salt Throne. 10,5 cm high, 125 g (see pictures).
As far as I can see it is made in Moscow 1890, Assayer A.A. = Anatoli Apollonovic Artsybaskev. But I can't identify the makers mark.
There are Cyrillic letters (pi?che?).
Maybe you or one of the members can help.
Many thanks and kindest regards,
Maria Entrup-Henemann
The maker is Pyetr Chumakov, active in Moscow, 1883-1897. Any further information will be appreciated.
Giorgio Busetto

Carolyn Meacham writes:
...I have a question. I have a fish handled silver plated set of utensils with a long spoon like scoop on one and a fork like end on the other. (Picture attached) They are marked H Ld (Harrod's Ltd.?).
My question is what were they used for? Someone suggested for eating anchovies or sardines. Any ideas?
I confirm that the maker's mark (better, the sponsor's mark) belongs to Harrods Ltd (see my web site at ).
I trust in ASCAS members for suggestions about the use of these pieces.
Giorgio Busetto

Simon Buxton writes:
...Here is another query about a snuffbox that someone in the group may be help with. Although the box is brass, my query would be the same if it were silver.
Attached are photos of a brass snuffbox which shows the owner's initials on top and the letters A.G.R.S. on the bottom with engravings of contemporary farm implements.
I would like to find out what the letters stand for and confirm its date and origin.
My guess is that it is English, dating to around 1790-1800 and the letters relate to some sort of society or association connected to farming.
Simon Buxton

C.Ann Sorrell writes:
...I have recently acquired a silver plate tea and coffee set that has a mark I can't find anywhere.
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
C.Ann Sorrell

Replies to questions

Les Salvage receives this reply about the mark of his silver mustard pot 
(see May 2010 Newsletter)
Robert Massart writes:
Regarding Les Salvage's question for which the ESB punch stands, I can add some additional information. The full name of this silversmith is Edward Souter Barnsley, who had his workshops at Frederick Street in Birmingham. He was active from 1895 till 1921 and registered his mark on November 1887 and September 1908.
Kind regards,
Robert Massart


In this column we present a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver, that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
an ancient advertisement of R. Broadhead & Co, Sheffield
This month we present an ancient advertisement of

late Broadhead & Atkin
Love Street, Sheffield  

The firm was active at 1-3 Love Street (1853-1887), 22 George St and 4 Sycamore St (1888-1890) and Pond St, Sheffield (1891-1900).

The firm advertises as manufacturer of Electro-Plated, British Plate and Britannia Plate Goods, Mounted Earthenware Jugs


In this column we present an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary" 
courtesy of home page
waste bowl: Grosjean & Woodward for Tiffany, circa 1862


Ort bowls, slop bowls, alms-dishes, voiders, waste-pots, waste bowls... (among the many names by which these items have been known), were used since ancient times. In their different shapes, measures and materials they are containers into which to put unwanted scraps and pieces of food in order to clear the plate.
By the middle of the eighteenth century, small circular or octagonal bowls were added also to the equipment necessary for the serving of tea. Slop bowls, as they were then called, were used for pouring out the remaining cold tea in a cup before pouring another.....


In this column we present marks, information and history of silversmiths and silver manufacturers.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page
Hester Bateman mark: 1761-1790



HESTER BATEMAN (1709-1794) was the most famous 18th c. English female silversmith. Hester was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Nedem. She married in 1732 (at the Church of St. Botolph's, Aldergate, in the City of London) goldsmith John Bateman, whereby together they worked a small silversmith business. It is believed John never held a formal apprenticeship, which is why many Bateman pieces had been contracted out to talented craftsmen.
John was a "Chainmaker" (a branch of the silversmiths' art) and died on November 13, 1760 leaving in his will "unto my loving wife, Easter Bateman all my household goods and implements"....


In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
ASCAS members are invited to contribute to this column
(click to enlarge images)
The "book on my shelf" of this month presents (courtesy Postnikov):
Ramsay Traquair
Macmillan of Canada - 1973
The Old Silver of Quebec: by Ramsay Traquair, 1973 book The Old Silver of Quebec: by Ramsay Traquair, 1973 book
Originally published in 1940, this book has been out of print for many years. The continued request for a reprint has resulted in this new printing. The book embodies Professor Traquair's researches into the old silver of new France and its makers from the beginning of the colony in the seventeenth century to the middle of the nineteenth. Reproductions of the makers' marks and lists of silversmiths are given, both French and English, with biographical notes. Chapters are given to the Indian Trade silver, the goldsmiths and the pewterers. An account is also given of the old French, English and American silver found in the Province, and of the silver preserved in the treasures of the old ecclesiastical institutions.


In this column we present images and descriptions of Crests and Mottoes of British, Irish and Scottish families as engraved on silver items.
serving tray with Carrington crest



Carrington (Lond. and Yorkshire) or Carrington (Oxfordshire):
A unicorn's head out of a Ducal coronet

The crest is engraved on an unmarked silver plate serving tray decorated with acorn motifs
serving tray with Carrington crest serving tray with Carrington crest


Closing our June 2010 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Simon Buxton, Alessandro Colemann, Jayne Dye, Maria Entrup-Henemann, Geldolph Everts, Lazar Freidgeim, Katy Galewski, Helen, Robert Massart, Carolyn Meacham, David N. Nikogosyan, for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.
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