ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 29 September 2006
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Two new articles for ASCAS website

another 'sperada'

Giorgio Busetto presents:

Italian silver hair-pin: the 'sperada' English version

Women put particular care into the style in which their hair is cut and arranged. The hairpin is a common adornment used to hold the hair together, especially at nape of the neck.
In the Brianza (an area on the Northern Italy region of Lombardy) the use of this device has ancient origins and finds its roots in the numerous pins (spilloni) of the Bronze Age found in peat deposits and in the 'HASTA CAELIBARIS' or 'aghi crinali' (a thin needle enlarged at the top) found in many Ancient Roman graves....

click here

Pair of Sauceboats: Brussels 1831-68 Martine D'Haeseleer presents:

Belgian silver of the Empire period English version

Elegant austerity and charming personality of Belgian silver from 1798 to the 1830's

click here

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Patricia Boynton- USA
Maria Ines Braudo - Argentina
Leslie Fain - USA
Anneke Fluitman - England UK
Paul John Graham - England UK
Ray E. Jennings - Canada
Freddy Lariviere - France
Jacquie Mallory - Canada
Doris Matthews - USA
David Murray - South Africa
Viviann Napp - USA
Thierry Nguyen - Switzerland
Linda Payne - USA
Søren Petersen - Denmark
Anthony Phillips - England UK
Gracia Richard - France
Jean Claude Sicard - France
Olof Gudfinna Siemsen - Iceland


Members' Window # 29

silver hovedvandsäg (pomander, vinaigrette, spice box) Giorgio Busetto presents:

A Scandinavian silver Hovedvandsæg English version

it was with this type of spice box from Scandinavia that a young man indicated his intentions by presenting a 'hovedvandsæg' to the young lady of his choice ('luktevannshus' in Norway).
It literally means 'head-water egg' i.e. an 'egg' to contain 'water' to revive the senses.
It is the successor of the pomander and should also be called 'vinaigrette', since it was used for smelling salts or aromatic vinegar....
click here English version

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Gail B. Randall, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co. writes:
We try to do whatever we can for our guests and this one is a little different than norm, so any help I can get is greatly appreciated.
What can you tell me about L. Barth & Son Inc or L. Barth & Sons Inc. (I have seen the name in print with a variation of 'Son' being singular and plural)? I know it's a New York Company. Are they still in existence or have they been renamed? I am trying to do research on a silver plate they made decades ago that is tied to our hotel.
I have attached some pics. The plate was purchased this past July in Boston, Lincolnshire (England).
I contacted one of the Executive Team members at our Boston Hotel thinking that the plate was made for that property since it's the first hotel in our chain that is still in business. He didn't recognize it and thought that perhaps it might be from one of The Ritz-Carlton hotels that didn't survive the depression. Those hotels were located in New York, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. This is all the info I have.
Thank you so much.
Gail B. Randall,
Asst. to Corporate V.P. of Quality & Guest Relations
Manager Product and Brand Management,
Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co.  

I was unable to find information about Barth & Son.
Dorothy T. Rainwater in her Encyclopaedia of American Silver Manufacturers cites Carlton Silverware (Oneida) in the Trade Names listing.
I hope that ASCAS members may supply the information you are interested on.
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary

Morry Barmak writes:
I wonder if you can help me. Below is a trophy I have in my collection from the winner of the 1948 Mille Miglia.

Brescia 2 Maggio 1948
Coppa Genazzi
This is the original trophy handed to Clemente Biondetti / Giuseppe Navone, Ferrari 166. This is a large trophy, measuring 24" tall. It is completely made of silver. It is very ornate and shows fantastic patina after 58 years.
At the base bottom it is inscribed M.ROSA - FIGLIO and TORINO.
Would you have any idea if this trophy was made by Luigi Genazzi, and then named after him, or if it was made by M.Rosa and Figlio as written below?? Was Genazzi from Torino??
Would there be any way to contact this silversmith - or his sons - to find out any more information regarding this trophy? For example, how much it cost to make back in 1948, how many were made, etc.
Below is a photo of Enzo Ferrari with another trophy won that year called the Coppa Mazzotti. I am wondering if the one I have went to the winning drivers (Biondetti) and was named the 'Coppa Genazzi', and the other trophy - the 'Mazzotti' - went to the manufacturer (Ferrari). I would love to find out for sure. I have contacted the Mille Miglia society in Brescia but they have not been much help yet.
Thanks for your help.
Morry Barmak
COLLECTOR STUDIO - Motorsport Gallery
136 Yorkville Ave.
Toronto, ON, M5R1C2, Canada
The inscription to the bottom of the Mille Miglia (1) Trophy refers to silversmith Mario Rosa & Figlio, Via Arsenale 25 – Torino (Mario Rosa & Son). This firm has ceased its activity (last notice of its activity in 1990). Italian solid silver is marked with ‘800’ and a lozenge (Mario Rosa had a lozenge with inscribed ‘9 TO’), I believe that this trophy is silver plate and not solid silver (note: the lozenge and the ‘800’ are very small).
Anyway Luigi (and Eros) Genazzi (2) were active in Milano (Milan) and not in Torino (Turin).
Would one of our members provide some help to Morry Barmak in his research concerning the maker of the cup?
Giorgio Busetto

(1) Mille Miglia (Thousand Miles), was an open-road endurance race which took place in Italy twenty-four times from 1927 to 1957 (thirteen before the war, eleven from 1947).
The winners of the 1948 edition were Clemente Biondetti and Giuseppe Navone, driving a Ferrari 166

(2) Luigi and Eros Genazzi were two well known Italian silversmiths. Their firm was active in Milan in the first half of the 20th century.

Viviann Napp writes:
My name is Viviann Napp and I am interested in learning more about collecting small silver objects such as cigarette cases. I recently purchased one in Tallinn, Estonia which has me intrigued. I travel frequently between Tallinn and the US since I have an art gallery in Tallinn and a newly opened one in the US. I do travel to Riga and Moscow too and visit antique shops etc.
The cigarette case I have now has an engraving in it in Russian and in Italian with the date 1915. On the cover are spotted hunting dogs. I was told that since the dogs are not entirely covering the cover (I think they are enamel) then they are unusual.
Here are the pictures of my silver, and enamel cigarette case. The date engraved on the inside is 1915.
The dimensions are 3.5 x 3.25 inches. Perhaps you can tell me more.
Viviann Napp

The external dedication is in Russian. The dedication on the interior is in Portuguese (not Italian) and refers to São Paulo (Brazil). The hallmark '800 (800/1000 silver) is neither Brazilian nor Russian.
Do any members recognize these hallmarks?
Giorgio Busetto

Carl Heimann writes:
have come upon some interesting models/toys from Italy.
The pictures enclosed are of a model train (2pcs) and a Bentley. These seem to be made by 'Uno a Erre' in Arezzo...please note the 'AR' mint mark.
I can only guess that they are contemporary, but I live in California where we have little history.
The other cars of a Benz 1893 and a Fiat model 0 seem to have a Milan mint mark...#387?..and appear to be older.

(click on each picture to see a larger view)


Lynda Coffman writes:
I purchased a very nice flask several years ago and have had no luck in determining its purpose or value. It appears to be copper with silver plate; 6 cm square and 10 cm high (including the silver neck and lead lid). The embossed images are lovely scenes of farm life with a windmill on the lid. Perhaps of Dutch origin? I have been unsuccessful in identifying its silver marks.
If anyone can be of assistance in providing information about this piece, I would be most grateful. I have attached photos of the item.
I always enjoy reading your ASCAS Newsletter. I gives me the chance to enjoy so many unusual silver pieces that I may never see during my 'collecting'.
Thank you again.
Mrs. Lynda Coffman


Krista Bartlett writes:
I am the descendent of a dynasty of silversmiths who worked in Hanau, Germany from about 1880 to the late 1920 (later on the models were again used by my father and uncle after WWII for some years). The name was Zwernemann. They manufactured antique silverware.
Do you maybe have some information on these makers? Since my parents were divorced when I was quite young, I am missing some information, although I am in the possession of quite some beautiful pieces. I would be grateful for any information you can provide me with!.
Best regards,
Krista M. Bartlett

Does any member have information about Hanau silversmith Zwernemann?
Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS Secretary


Replies to questions

Dominique Bochet receives this reply about the marks of his spoons ( see August Newsletter)
Janjaap Luijt writes:
Answer to the Belgian spoon question.
The left spoon is made in Louvain (mark with the key, together with the shield mark) in 1776 (the 76 mark) by Joannes Theodorus Craninckx (the IC mark).
The middle spoon is made in Mons (the crown mark together with the AE mark) in 1795 (the 95 mark, at least that is what I read) by the master with the crowned R...
The right spoon is again from Louvain, 1779, by Marc Antoine Angermille.
Best regards,
Janjaap Luijt
Ludo D'Haese writes:
Réponse à Dominique Bochet
La première cuillère porte les poinçons de la ville de Louvain.
La clé et l’écusson sous une couronne à trois perles sont les poinçons de ville pour la période de 1770 à 1784.
Le 76 est pour l’année 1776.
IC avec un point dessus est la marque du maître orfèvre Craninckx Joannes Theodorus (maître en 1748 jusqu’à 1780) pour la période de 1776 à 1780 ( et utillisé par sa veuve Catharina Moreaux jusqu’ en 1788 ).
Il y a une deuxième cuillière aussi de la ville de Louvain mais cette fois-ci de l’année 1779 et du maître orfèvre Angermille Marc Anthoine ( A avec couronne ). Maître orfèvre de 1770 jusqu’en 1799.
La troisième cuillière est de la ville de Mons ( AE + couronne et une tour avec six perles) mais on ne connais pas encore le nom de cet orfèvre avec le poinçon R. L’année est 1796.
Voilà ce que je peut vous communiquer sur ces cuillères. Si vous avez d’autres questions sur des poinçons Belges, n’hésitez pas à me contacter via
Bien à vous
Ludo D’Haese
Raoul Verbist writes:
Voici la réponse à votre demande d’identification des poinçons de vos cuilleres
Photo n°1
Sur le manche
M.O. : lettre A couronné Marcus Antonius ANGEVILLE ° 1742 + 1807
Travailla trois années à Paris.Admis comme orfèvre à Louvain en 1770.Actif jusqu’en 1796.
Poinçons de ville : Louvain
Ecu de Louvain couronné et clé couronnée
Poinçon date: 96 pour 1796
Pieces en musées:
Fourchette 1796 au musée Sterckshof Deurne (Anvers)
Huilier 1782 au musée municipal de Louvain
Moutardier 1792 au musée municipal de Louvain
Saucière au musée de l’orfèvrerie de Seneffe
Littérature : W van Dievoet Edelsmeden in Vlaams Brabant
R Stuyck : Poinçons d’argenterie belges

Photo n°2
Sur manche
M.O. : lettres I C Johannes-Theodorus CRANICKX )°1722 + 1780 Admis comme orfèvre à Louvain en 1748.Actif jusqu’en 1780. Sa veuve continua ses activités aidée de son fils et utilisa le poinçon I C de son mari.
Poinçons de ville: Louvain
Ecu de Louvain couronné et clé couronnée
Poinçon date: 76 pour 1776
Pieces en musées:
Moutardier 1792 au musée municipal de Louvain
Deux moutardier Musée Vleeshuis Anvers
Chandelier Musée royaux d’art et d’histoire Bruxelles
Littérature : W van Dievoet Edelsmeden in Vlaams Brabant ( p. 101-102)
R Stuyck : Poinçons d’argenterie belges

Photo n°3
Sur manche
M.O. : R couronné maître inconnu
Poinçons de ville : Mons
Château couronné, lettres AE (initiales d’Albert et Isabelle) (pour plus de renseignements sur le poinçon de la ville de Mons consulter mon article n°1 ASCAS sur le poinçon de grâce)
Poinçon date: 96 pour 1796

Photo n° 4
MO idem que photo n°1
Bonne chance dans vos recherchers
Raoul VERBIST-Gand- Belgique

Debbie Cracovia receives this reply about the marks of her German spoon ( see August Newsletter)  
Karin Sixl-Daniell writes:
…the manufacturer is Koch & Bergfeld of Bremen

Emil Fonfoneata writes:
The spoon is made in Germany by KOCH & BERGFELD ( Hallmark Half moon + crown). This manufacture was producing silver since 1829 and had premises in Bremen.
Between 1890 and 1910 this manufacture has produce silver pieces for some wellknown silversmiths such as Hugo LEVEN, Theodor MULLER and Henry VAN DE VELDE
The spoon is a strawberry spoon and should be made around 1900. It. Is a typical Art Nouveau or Jugendstil spoon.
Emil FONFONEATA Gent - Belgium


"A page per month"

In this column we present a page (one page only) obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs or whatever other printed paper, which may be of particular interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
a page from Summer 1894 Daniel Low, 231 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. catalog This month ASCAS presents the images of WITCH NOVELTIES IN STERLING SILVER from the Summer 1894, Daniel Low, 231 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. catalog

a page from Summer 1894 Daniel Low, 231 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. catalog a page from Summer 1894 Daniel Low, 231 Essex Street, Salem, Mass. catalog


Closing our SEPTEMBER 2006 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Morry Barmak (Canada), Krista Bartlett (Germany), Lynda Coffman (USA), Jayne Dye (USA), Ludo D'Haese (Belgium), Martine D'Haeseleer (Spain), Carl Heimann (USA), Emil Fonfoneata (Belgium), Janjaap Luijt (The Netherlands) Viviann Napp (USA), Gail B. Randall (USA), Raoul Verbist for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members' e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.