ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silvernewsletter # 129 February 2015 SITE MAP
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A new article for ASCAS website

BMF middle-quality silver-plated (Alpacca-Silber II) hollow ware marks: 1927 - 1938
Dr. David N. Nikogosyan presents:

Marks of Berndorf Metallware Factory English version

The history of Berndorf Metalware Factory (shortly, BMF) is well documented [1,2,3]. I present here a few historical facts which are necessary to understand the marks used by this company.
The famous Berndorf Metalware Factory (in German Berndorfer Metallwaarenfabrik) was founded in 1843 in the small village of Berndorf, situated in the region Lower Austria (Niederösterreich) of the Austria-Hungarian Empire. Interestingly, the foundry location is connected with its marking system. Due to the assonance between the words Berndorf and Bärendorf (in German the last word means "bear village"), many of the factory marks contain a bear profile.
Though this factory got world-wide recognition under the name Berndorf Metalware Factory Arthur Krupp, before 1891 it was called Berndorf Metalware Factory Alexander Schoeller and Co. Indeed, Alexander Schoeller, the Austro-Hungarian businessman, invested a lot of money in buying the land and building the factory. The father of Arthur Krupp, Herman Krupp, joined the firm in 1844 and in 1849 took over half of the shares. When Hermann Krupp died (in 1879), 23-year old Arthur, who already worked at the factory, inherited his business. After the death of Alexander Schoeller (in 1886), Arthur Krupp paid a large sum of money to his heirs and in 1890 became the sole owner of the company. From 1891 his name appears on the mark of the Berndorf foundry.
In 1913 BMF became a public company. The World War I (1914-1918) ended with the crash of the huge Austro-Hungarian Empire. The economy of the whole Europe was in crisis. The market diminished significantly. The usual transport routes for raw materials and final products were disrupted. Nevertheless, Arthur Krupp managed to save the firm and revive the production by 1924. However in 1926/1927 and 1932 two severe economic downturns brought the closure of some BMF productions and a sharp decrease in the employees' number (from 6000 to 800)....

click here English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:

Virginia Harper Breen - USA
Anne Graham - England UK
William Hugh Isbister - Germany
Alessandro Manfrin - Italy
Neville Michie - Australia

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Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Jeannine W. writes:
...I wonder if you can give me information on this hallmark?
Thanks for your help.
Jeannine W.
The maker is William Devemport, the mark is Birmingham 1906, see my website at
Giorgio Busetto

Zoe Mahoney writes:
...I came upon your page when researching a spoon set I purchased at a garage sale.
I am from Australia and was wondering if anyone was able to give me a bit more information about the set I have.
Zoe Mahoney
The maker of your silverplate set is Charles Wilkes, 38 Camden St, Birmingham (1893-1934)
Giorgio Busetto

Christophe Ginter writes:
...Sweden 1832. Thanks to any member ASCAS for providing me with the following information: town ? Siversmith ?
Many thanks in advance,
Christophe Ginter

Gianmarco Baldini writes:
...I recently bought this silver object, part of a set.
I believe that it is middle of 19th Century, possibly German, but I do not manage to recognize the maker.
Please, could you help ?
Many thanks
Gianmarco Baldini

Daniel Duffin writes:
...I have as in the attached picture a Morozov imperial vase. I was wondering if you could help me out with a little more info.
It has a military motif within one cartouche and I thought maybe it was to commemorate some Imperial jamboree or victory?
I have had it for the last 25 years or so.
Daniel Duffin
The Russian mark isn't well readable.
Giorgio Busetto

Eric S Rijnders writes:
...A few months ago, I was able to acquire this remarkable pendant.
In its centre is a rare Vatican silver coin, a scudo 'sede vacante' of 1758. It figures a dove with the motto 'ubi vult spirat' on one side and the arms of cardinal camerlengo Girolamo Colonna on the other side. It has been struck during the vacancy of the papal see, between May 3rd and July 6th 1758, after the death of Pope Benedict XIV.
The coin has been mounted in a silver frame with cast cherubs. The pendant, including the coin, has been heavily gilt.
The pendant is large (15 cms by 15 cms) and heavy. The coin alone weighs 26.4 grams.
The only hallmarks to be found are the Vatican hallmarks of mid 18th century, which have been struck twice: once on the loop and once on the lower front side.
It seems a bit odd for a pectoral cross but much too large for a normal religious pendant.
I wonder if any ASCAS member could throw any light upon this strange object.
Kind regards,
Eric S Rijnders

Replies to questions

Allen Carlson receives this answer about his silver pin
(see January 2015 Newsletter)
Marc Deconinck writes
Georg Jensen ltd seems to be a company in London importing Georg Jensen silver.
I found this comment on the web:
"Don't be misled, though, by sellers who will sometimes encourage you to think that the GJ Ld hallmark alone is of any value. Like most silver retailers, the GJ shop (which remember is effectively little more than a franchise) also sells other non-Jensen items of silver which it 'commissions', i.e. usually buys in bulk, which are normally stamped with the mark of the retailer, in this case the Jensen store.
Remember, if it doesn't have a set of Georg Jensen Danish factory marks, which usually include the relevant Jensen logo for the period (all well documented on the internet), the words 'Sterling' and 'Denmark' and a design number, then it isn't Georg Jensen.
There are a very small number of exceptions, but most of them will be present in one form or another.
My comment: I believe your item has not the Georg Jensen Danish factory marks, so should it be no Georg Jensen?
Marc Deconinck


In this column we presents a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper, related to silver, that may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page

Orfévrerie d'Ercuis: ancient advertisement
This month ASCAS presents an ancient advertisement of:


The firm was founded in 1867 by Adrien Céleste Pillon, on the small village of Ercuis, 50 km north of Paris (France).
Since 1880 the firm was active with a sale room and commercial offices in Paris.
In 1908 the firm became "La Société nouvelle de l'Orfèvrerie d'Ercuis" under the management of Georges Maës.
Maës family continued to manage the firm until the 1980s, when the Rouget family took over the control of the company. In the same years the firm bought Ravinet d'Enfert, another great French silver manufacturer.
The "Centaur" is the trade mark of the company.

This image is part of the ADVERTISEMENTS IN SILVER - SILVER ADVERTISING section of website


In this column we present an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page leave your LIKE on facebook
Ancient advertisement of Rutheford, Stacey, West and Co


Pewter is known to have been used in Britain since the Roman occupation. Little is known about its use until the Middle Ages when pewter began to appear on the church altar and on the table of the nobility.
With the progression of years pewter became available for others social classes, gradually replacing their wooden eating and drinking vessels.
In 18th century the use of silver continued to be restricted to the nobles and the desire of the working class for better things created a new market which was satisfied by two closely related Sheffield industries: the making of Sheffield Plate and Britannia wares.
The method of plating silver on copper (now known as Old Sheffield Plate) was discovered in 1743 by Thomas Boulsover and by 1750 the Sheffield Plate industry grew and flourished for one hundred years.
The middle class also looked for a product which would add a touch of elegance to their home life. This economic market was one factor which prepared the way for the Britannia metal industry. Unfortunately the long established pewterers were unable to supply the need for elaborate tea services and tableware at modest cost.
The pewter industry had been reduces to the limited production of plates, tankards and measures as the concept of pewter making had always been exclusively one of casting and the investment in very expensive new moulds for new products was too speculative for a declining industry.....




In this column we present marks, information and history of silversmiths and silver manufacturers.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page




Paul Storr (1771 - 1844) was apprenticed to Andrew Fogelberg, a Swedish silversmith active as "plateworker" at 30 Church Street, Soho, obtaining his freedom in in 1792. In the same year Storr entered in partnership with William Frisbee registering their joint mark "WF over PS" (the address was 5 Cock Lane, Snowhill). The partnership was of short endurance and Storr entered his own mark "PS" on 12th January 1793 (the address was 30 Church Street, Soho). The "PS" mark, with few modifications, was maintained by Storr until his retirement in 1838.
In 1796 Storr installed his business in 20 Aire (Air) Street, St. James', Piccadilly, where he remained eleven years. It was here that Storr made a name for himself as one of London's leading manufacturing silversmiths. Here Storr received orders from the great noble houses of England for cups, vases, kettles, wine coolers, dishes and plates.
Whether such orders were commissioned through Philip Rundell is not proved, but it is certain that at this time he was very anxious to get Storr to work for him exclusively. Rundell persuaded Storr to leave Air Street and move to larger premises at 53 Dean Street. Soho. But before he agreed to move Storr made clear that by so doing he had no intention of losing his identity. He would call the new business "Storr & Co", continue his own work at the new address and execute any orders which Rundell might give him. Matters were satisfactorily settled and the move was made in 1807.....



In this column we present images and descriptions of Crests and Mottoes of British, Irish and Scottish families as engraved on silver items.
This column is published under the kind permission of Giorgio Busetto's website home page



Simpson family crest  
The crest of Simpson family (Sco. and Lond.)
A falcon, volant
The Latin motto is "Alis nutrior" (I am fed by birds)
The crest was found in a spoon marked Edinburgh 1830, makers James Howden & Co and A. Edmondson Simpson family crest on a silver spoon marked Edinburgh 1830 Simpson family crest on a silver spoon marked Edinburgh 1830

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Closing our FEBRUARY 2015 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to Gianmarco Baldini, Marc Deconinck, Daniel Duffin, Christophe Ginter, Jeannine W., Zoe Mahoney, Dr. David N. Nikogosyan and Eric S Rijnders for their precious contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
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These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.
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