ASCAS Association of Small Collectors of Antique Silver         newsletter # 49 - JUNE 2008
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A new article for ASCAS website

  Parchment printed exposition of the Anointing Spoon history

Jack F. Wilson presents:

Anointing Spoon Replicas in Silver and Silver Gilt from Great Britain  

with the addition of the List of Silversmiths present in Jack F. Wilson Collection and other makers known to the author
- part 2 - English version

...Examples of teaspoon-sized replicas with highly abbreviated ornamentation began to appear in or around 1910. There were vestigial remnants of some of the ornamentation on the original spoon found on these examples, but many were definitely made utilizing stamping machines and not cast. Earlier examples were made up of cast [and sometimes stamped] parts sweated together. Often the bowl engraving on the earlier examples was cast, but many of these castings were refined by hand chasing. Bowl shape varies as well. Some are rather narrow, others broad-ranging to almost round. I have a few examples of a spade-shaped bowl. Also around this time smaller versions to be used as salt and mustard spoons began to appear........

click here English version

New members

Welcome to new ASCAS members:  

Erica Armstrong - Austria
Jonathan Barber - USA
Susan Buck - USA
Mary Conner - USA
Cesare Antonio Maria de Stanchina - Italy
Ron H. Dubberly - USA
Elizabeth Duckworth - USA
Brian Hawley - USA
Josephine Lewis - USA
Karen Nardella - USA
Zélia Soares - Austria

Members' Window # 49

Silver bookmark: Gorham Mfg. Co - 1855/1863 silver bookmark: Chrisford and Norris - England c. 1920/1940

Howard Schecter presents:

Collecting silver and silver plate bookmarks English version

... It's a funny story how I got started collecting. It was 1995 and I was thinking about something to collect.
Every Sunday there is a different antique flea market going on in the Los Angeles area and I began going to them. I was intrigued by the Russian lacquer boxes and started buying them. The problem with them is that they are very expensive and it's hard to know which ones will retain their value. I needed something else ....

click here English version

Mail to ASCAS: e-mail

Marianne Gearin writes:
... I am trying to identify a plate that I purchased at a flea market. I am not a regular collector but was attracted to it. I have searched all over to identify the Hallmark with no success. Are you able to, or could you please direct me to someone who can help me.
A footnote: under the hallmark appears to be an engraving that looks like it reads Ely10. Thank you in advance for your help.
Best Regards,
Marianne Gearin  

Michael Urban writes:
..I have a spoon about 7 1/2 '' long with 5 marks: the passant lion with a 2 or z under, letter R with something under it, a sovereign head that looks to be the letter M on it, also a script letter that looks maybe like a really fancy D, not sure, and the last mark has stumped me a little, can't figure it out but looks like a really small shield, or a really old plain lion with a crown, not sure, more on the shield side (it's the smallest of the 5 hallmarks).
I'm hoping you can help me determining who did this work,
Michael Urban  

The marks on your photos are not well readable. Anyway I believe that this spoon was made in the Netherlands but I'm unable to identify the maker and to date it.
I hope that someone of ASCAS members with deep knowledge of Dutch marks will be able to reply to your question. Giorgio Busetto

A. Branislav writes:
..I bought on an antique market a nice Judaic Spice container. Few days after this purchase I start to search via internet and I found your site: and then going deeper I found Now I'm contacting you directly as I spent hours checking all available data and I'm getting stronger and stronger feeling that what I bought is a fake.
Can you therefore have a look into attached photos and let me know your opinion???
Thank you in advance
A. Branislav  

On my opinion, your item isn't ancient Russia silver.
Further information about "fakes" and images of items with similar ornaments are available in my website at
Other comments by ASCAS members will be highly appreciated
WARNING: this is NOT an appraisal. I have no title to make appraisals and this is only my PERSONAL OPINION.
Giorgio Busetto

Christophe Ginter writes:
....Please find herewith a picture of an Austrian silversmith unknown to me. Initials JCK. Active in the 1860s, in Vienna?
Many thanks in advance for your reply.
With my kind regards.
Christophe Ginter  

The maker is Joseph Karl (Carl) KLINKOSCH.
Born in Vienna, 28 February, 1822. Son of Carl Klinkosch and of Katharina Kempenich.
Apprentice to his father from 1835 to 1839. Registered as master silversmith January 25, 1944 he became responsible for the family firm in 1843.
From 1855 he was Viennese Court's supplier for silver and gold items.
From 1864 to 1870 he was in partnership with Stefan Mayerhofer under the style Mayerhofer & Klinkosch. The firm was present at World Exhibitions of Vienna (1873) and Paris (1878).
After the dissolution of the partnership he became the manager of the firm J.C Klinkosch.
After his retirement in 1884 the firm was managed by his sons Arthur (1884-1899) and Isidore (1884-1914).
Giorgio Busetto

Zelia Soares writes:
... I am sending some photos of my beaker - 8,5 cm tall 6,5 cm diameter.
It weights approx. 300 grams. It has an Augsburg hallmark, date mark 1718, and another hallmark that I can’t identify, probably the initials of the Augsburg silversmith, but I don't know who.
Although I was not able to recognize the mark of Double-Headed Eagle. I have searched since I got it in 1988. I found many kinds of double-headed-eagle (Hapsburgs, Lubeck, Masonry or...), but no one is like mine.
The only thing right is this beaker came from somewhere in Europe, made by some silversmith from Augsburg (pinecone mark).
I sincerely hope some member can help me.
Thanks in advance,
Zelia Soares

an anonymous reader writes:
... An old teacup or (?) vodka cup, I have been searching to find more info. I cannot find hallmarks in any books I have looked in so far.
Ever seen it before? I took closest pictures I could, but town mark appears to be two men on either side of a forge.
Thanks in advance if you have time to look.

Your cup is a "charka" . A wide informative article about this drinking vessel written by Kari Helenius is available in ASCAS website at
The marks of your charka aren't well readable. I have only a hypothesis of identification:
town mark: Novgorod (mark #3093 or 3095 in Postnikova-Loseva)
maker: AM, unidentified master 1753-1774 (mark # 3108 in Postnikova-Loseva).
Any further information from members well acquainted in Russian silver will be welcome.
Giorgio Busetto

Replies to questions

Mike Whitehead receives this reply about his silver cup ( see May Newsletter)
Giovanni Ciceri writes:
... It is a porringer, a vessel used for infusions. This kind of item was popular in the late XVII and in the beginning of XVIII century, during the reign of William and Mary. William III, and Queen Anne. Many replicas have been produced in the late XIX century with the same design, but usually of greater dimension being used as sugar bowls.
Unfortunately the hallmarks are partially rubbed and it is difficult to understand whether it is a late 1600 piece or a later replica. Furthermore there are some repairs in connection of the hallmarks and it is not possible to understand the hallmarking place. It is my opinion, on the base of the dimension, position and shape of the hallmarks that it can be attributed to London 1694 or 1696, but remains a possibility of a late XIX replica hallmarked in a provincial Office like Sheffield or Birmingham.
Giovanni Ciceri

Eric Schneider receives this reply about his Russian flatware ( see October 2006 Newsletter)
Geldolph Everts writes:
... I just discovered the wonderful website of ASCAS and blissfully surfed around for many hours.
I may have a small contribution to make.
I noted that there was no reply to the question by Eric Schneider (October 2006) and maybe the following can still be useful.
The cutlery he presented was widely available in the former USSR and its satellite states. It was considered one of the best qualities one could get through ordinary channels. Nowadays, the same items are still offered for sale on the markets that have appeared in every self-respecting town in every ex-Soviet Republic. It is effective for at least three reasons: it can be mistaken for silver, it shines with a quick polish, and it looks a bit like Christofle...
This cutlery is made of an alloy with a Cyrillic name which translates as "copper-nickel-zink". One of the marks has these three letters.
The items were then nickel, silver or gold plated. The second mark is • i Č, which is the abbreviation (in Ukrainian, note the Latin i between two Cyrillic letters) of Zaparosia Nickel Mark (Zaparosia is a region in Ukraine).
With best regards,
Geldolph Everts

Nancy Zarod receives these replies about her unusual fork ( see May Newsletter)
Maja Houtman writes:
... This fork is called in Dutch a sardinevork.
Used to serve sardines without damaging them.
met vriendelijke groet
Maja Houtman

Rod Hall writes:
... Nancy Zarod’s mystery fork with the closed tines is (I believe) an Anchovy Fork, used for serving these small fish from a special serving dish on the breakfast table. You see them quite often (usually they are silver plated) here in Sweden where I live, where they were quite common in the period 1880 to 1910. After that they seem to have largely gone out of fashion.
Best Regards
Rod Hall

Martin Leushuis writes:
... The fork shown by Nancy Zarod is a sardine server and the design is typical German.
Lot of people will say it's a sardine fork but as you can learn from the two jpg's I attach you will notice that the sardine fork is open at the end and the server is always closed.
I am a collector of silver sardine fork and have all kinds of designs from various countries.
Kindest regards,
Martin Leushuis

Giovanni Ciceri sent these comments to Jack F. Wilson article "ANOINTING SPOON REPLICAS - part 1-" ( see article # 97)
Dear Jack, I read with great interest your article about anointing spoons as I was a collector of commemorative British silvers (I also wrote an article about these for ASCAS, in which I reported one of the three examples I have in my collection).
I have not your skill in this field but from what I was able to see in my research of commemorative items I agree that occasionally one can find an anointing spoon hallmarked outside the coronation date, but it is the a matter of fact that the greatest number of this replicas available on the market follow in the coronation years or just around them (maybe for commercial or business considerations). It is not clear from the text of your article if you also considered other important royal anniversaries (marriages – not only of the king/queen but also of other members of the royal family, jubilee, etc.): I think that some of the reported dates can be explained with these events, but I have not investigated this. I remember an example of an anointing spoon hallmarked in Birmingham and dating 1897 (diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria) of which I have no record because the auction was not won by me.
About the variety of the Assay Office: apart Birmingham and London, the few cases I noted were hallmarked in Chester (where there was no significant silversmith activity in the second half of XIX century) and Sheffield but always manufactured by large companies and not by local silversmiths.
The same seems to apply for Glasgow and Edinburgh: are the examples to which you refer hallmarked by local silversmiths or by large manufactures?
I hope you appreciate my contribution.
Giovanni Ciceri


In this column we present a page obtained from makers' brochures, books, auction catalogs, advertising or whatever other printed paper related to silver, which may be of interest for ASCAS members.
The images will be published at a "low resolution" level and for private and personal use only
An advertising by R.PLEVKEVICH & CO - WARSAW (POLAND) This month ASCAS presents a beginning 20th century leaflet advertising by R.PLEVKEVICH & CO - WARSAW (POLAND)

I don't know if R. Plevkevich & Co was a silver flatware and hollowware factory or a retailer. I trust in the help of our readers for an English translation of this Polish (or Russian?) text.

Translation of Russian text:
Factory of a silverplated and goldplated metallic wares
Joint-stock company
R. Plevkevich & Co

(courtesy Wulich Bronia in August 2008 Newsletter)


In this column we presents an abstract from a page of the "What is? Silver Dictionary"
courtesy of home page
France 1819 silver cruet set


The Italian, French and "Continental" tradition refers to "cruet stand" as the oil and vinegar container, sometimes with salt and pepper shakers, rarely accompanied by spice, mustard or other condiment casters, bottles and jars.
These objects are named in Italy "portaoliera", "ampolliera", "olio e aceto" and in England "Warwick cruet stand", "soy stand", "box cruet stand"..........


In this column we present books, new or ancient, dealing with silver in all its aspects (history, marks, oddities...). This isn't a "book review" but only a fair presentation of some useful "tools" that anyone may have in the shelf of his bookcase.
ASCAS members are invited to contribute to this column
(click to enlarge images)

The "book on the shelf" of this month is presented by Karin Sixl-Daniell:

1771 - 1843

Exhibition March 6 to 27, 1966
Brooks Memorial Art Gallery
Overton Park
Memphis, Tennessee 1912 
Mr. and Mrs. Morrie A. Moss Collection of Paul Storr Silver - 1771-1843 Mr. and Mrs. Morrie A. Moss Collection of Paul Storr Silver - 1771-1843


Silver Society of Canada: Journal 2008 Volume 11 The Silver Society of Canada celebrates its 10th anniversary.
SSC just published its JOURNAL 2008 VOLUME 11, a breathtaking 132 pages edition with interesting articles by many renown international writers.
People interested may contact SSC through its President, Dorothea Burstyn, at DBURSTYN@ROGERS.COM
Silver Society of Canada: Journal 2008 Volume 11


Closing our JUNE 2008 edition of ASCAS Newsletter I hope you have appreciated its content.
Your comments, suggestions and advice will be of great help.

My thanks to A. Branislav, Giovanni Ciceri, Jayne Dye, Geldolph Everts, Marianne Gearin, Christophe Ginter, Rod Hall, Maja Houtman, Martin Leushuis, Howard Schecter, Karin Sixl-Daniell, Zelia Soares, Michael Urban, JoAnne Wilkinson, Jack F. Wilson, for their invaluable contributions.

Giorgio Busetto
ASCAS is a community of people having a common interest in antique silver.
It is a non-profit association without commercial links. Membership is open to whomever has a true interest in this subject matter.
ASCAS has no real property and no fees are requested nor accepted from members.
ASCAS keeps in touch with its members only through periodical newsletters, e-mails and web-site updating and ignores and is not responsible for any other activity pursued by its members.
Likewise, ASCAS is not responsible for opinions, evaluation and images displayed, and in any form published or supplied for publication, by its members who, in any case, maintain the property of their works and assure the respect of national and international legislation about Intellectual Property.
ASCAS does not have the full addresses of its members (only town, country and e-mail address are requested for membership).
ASCAS handles and protects with care its members e-mail addresses, will not disclose the addresses to third parties, will use this information only to reply to requests received from members and for communications strictly related to its activity.
These rules are expressly accepted by submitting the membership request.